Point9 Responsive Theme
Point9 Opencart Theme is a simple, responsive and customisable opencart theme, can be used for any kind of web store, and many features included.
Features :
- Responsive theme with enabled/disabled option in admin
- Two skins available with skin chooser in admin theme control panel
- Unlimited color scheme can changed in admin theme control panel
- background image pattern can easily changed from theme control panel in admin panel
- Carousel slide effect for featured, Latest, Bestseller and Special modules (you can enabled and disabled this feature and Auto slide for carousel also can be set in admin theme control panel )
- Featured Category with carousel slide effect
- Previous and Next product navigation on product page
- Quick view for featured, Latest, Bestseller and Special modules.
- Zoom on hover effect for image product on product page
- Slideshow module with thumb images navigation and have option setting in admin
- Footer Info module inlcuded (this will show your web store info such as About Us, Twitter timeline, Contact Us, Facebook Likebox)
- see demo for details.
Opencart compatiblity: v1.5.5.1, v1.5.6, v1.5.6.1, v1.5.6.2, v1.5.6.3, v1.5.6.4
Demo : http://point9.kajokul.com
admin : http://point9.kajokul.com/default/admin/
login : demo password : demo
get more opencart themes from kajokul.com
OCTPL002 Responsive Opencart Theme
Opencart Compatibility: v3.0.3.8 v3.0.3.7 v3.0.3.6 v3.0.3.5 v3.0.3.3 v3.0.3.2 v3.0.3.1 v3.0.2.0 v3.0.1.2 v3.0.1.1 v2.3.0.2 v2.2.0.0 v2.1.0.2 v2.1.0.1 v2.0.3.1 v2.0.2.0 v2.0.1.1 v2.0.1.0 v2.0.0.0 v1.5.6.4 v1.5.6.3 v1.5.6.2 v1.5.6.1 v1.5.6 v1.5.5.1 v1.5.4.1 v1.5.3.1 v1.5.2.1 v1.5.1.3 v1.5.1.2 v1.5.1.1 v1.5.1
OCTPL003 Responsive Theme
Opencart Compatibility: v3.0.3.8 v3.0.3.7 v3.0.3.6 v3.0.3.5 v3.0.3.3 v3.0.3.2 v3.0.3.1 v3.0.2.0 v3.0.1.2 v3.0.1.1 v2.3.0.2 v2.2.0.0 v2.1.0.2 v2.1.0.1 v2.0.3.1 v2.0.2.0 v2.0.1.1 v2.0.1.0 v2.0.0.0 v1.5.6.4 v1.5.6.3 v1.5.6.2 v1.5.6.1 v1.5.6 v1.5.5.1
OCTPL004 Opencart Theme
Opencart Compatibility: v1.5.6.4 v1.5.6.3 v1.5.6.2 v1.5.6.1 v1.5.6 v1.5.5.1 v1.5.4.1 v1.5.3.1 v1.5.2.1 v1.5.1.3 v1.5.1.2 v1.5.1.1 v1.5.1
NengLilis Responsive Theme
Opencart Compatibility: v1.5.6.4 v1.5.6.3 v1.5.6.2 v1.5.6.1 v1.5.6 v1.5.5.1 v1.5.4.1 v1.5.3.1
JOMANTARA - Dark and Responsive Opencart Theme
Opencart Compatibility: v1.5.6.4 v1.5.6.3 v1.5.6.2 v1.5.6.1 v1.5.6 v1.5.5.1 v1.5.4.1
Opencart Compatibility: v2.3.0.2 v2.2.0.0 v2.1.0.2 v2.1.0.1 v1.5.6.4 v1.5.6.3 v1.5.6.2 v1.5.6.1 v1.5.6 v1.5.5.1
Atjep Opencart Theme
Opencart Compatibility: v1.5.6.4 v1.5.6.3 v1.5.6.2 v1.5.6.1 v1.5.6 v1.5.5.1
Tarkid Opencart Theme
Opencart Compatibility: v2.1.0.2 v2.1.0.1 v2.0.3.1 v2.0.2.0 v2.0.1.1 v2.0.1.0 v1.5.6.4 v1.5.6.3 v1.5.6.2 v1.5.6.1 v1.5.6 v1.5.5.1
Tags: red theme, christmas theme, blue theme, opencart theme, opencart template, customisable opencart