Opencart Tutorial
When managing an opencart website sometimes we need a new page or a custom page to place a module or other content, and now we will try to create a new page using category pages and place a module on that page.
In this Steps example I will create a “Latest Products” page using categories, well here are the steps:
1. Make sure you have added and activated the “Latest” module in the admin
2. Create a new Layout in admin -> Design -> Layouts -> click on the plus sign button in the top right corner to create a new Layout. For example, give the name "New Products" and in the Top Content..
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Specifying image dimensions (width and height) will help to speed up your website. Now I will write about how to add the width and height attributes in image <img> tag for opencart, and I'm using opencart version 2.0 for this tutorial.
Add Image Dimension Function in System
First step it will add image dimension function in system file, and it will add the function code to 'startup.php' in system folder. so open the startup.php file and add following code in the bottom of file:
function imgSize($output) { preg_match('/-[0-9]*x[0-9]*\.(gif|jpg|png|jpeg)/i', $out..
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A while back ago I have customer who bought my template for opencart version and want to have a module position above the column left or column right and the content. I know that it is not possible if using default opencart layout, so it will need to have extra layout position below the header. and the trick is I made a duplicate of content top position I give it name "content header" and put the position under the header. And now I will write some steps about how to create the extra position with opencart version, so let’s begin!
Catalog – Duplicate Controller file
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By default opencart the subcategories list in category page will be displayed as a text list without images. Now I'm gonna show you a few steps how to add thumbnail images above the category title.This tutorial applied to the default opencart theme and opencart version used is version is the steps:1. open file "catalog/controller/product/category.php" and find this code:$data['categories'][] = array(add this before the code above:if($result['image']) {$image = $this->model_tool_image->resize($result['image'], 200, 200); } else {$image = $this->model_tool_image->resize('..
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